The Do’s & Don’ts of Making Your First Hire

You’re a budding or serial entrepreneur with an idea that will literally change the world.

But ideas in and of themselves are just words or thoughts sewn together. The words only carry theoretical meaning unless there’s a plan of action to actualize them. In order for those ideas to be actionable, you’ll need to surround yourself with the best talent spanning all facets of the business including operations, technology, and sales. The first hire is routinely regarded as one of the most important hires an organization can make.

Adopt a Flexible Mindset

For forward-thinking entrepreneurs like yourself, you can often stimey your own efforts by rushing towards the finish line without taking a pause for reflection. If you press the issue and commit to your first hire immediately, then you may inflict a mortal wound on your organization.

There’s wisdom in taking a step back as an entrepreneur. At this junction of your organization’s life, it’s important to strategize your hiring priorities and set goals that make sense. There are a number of existing mnemonic devices to help aspiring leaders set goals. We recommend using the acronym SMART as part of your strategic planning:

S – Set specific goals for the organization;

M – Set measurable goals for the organization;

A – Set attainable goals for the organization;

R – Set realistic goals for the organization;

T – Set time-based goals for the organization.

Become Multilingual in Business

Congratulations – now you’re not only the CEO of your organization. You’ve also accepted an interim title: Hiring Manager.

Doing the job of a hiring manager requires new competencies. It’s almost like learning an entirely new language. For some people, learning a new language is difficult and nearly impossible. However, the entrepreneur in you is not prone to giving up.

In saying that, let’s start with the basics. As a hiring manager, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with concepts like talent management, headhunting, sourcing, and other technical terms used regularly by hiring managers.

In addition, your interim title has the added responsibility of developing a job description using the best practices in the industry. You’ll need to keep this job description handy as you begin to engage the market with recruiters to support finding your first organizational hire.

Embracing Your New Responsibilities

In your interim role as a hiring manager, you have a responsibility to the organization to deliver a full brief to recruiters that you choose to work with. Offering a full briefing of hiring needs to a recruiter requires a more thorough job description than simply copying and pasting a similar job description from a competing organization. This task requires thoughtful effort from you as the interim hiring manager.

In saying this, you’ll need to embrace your new responsibilities with humility and patience. Don’t be afraid to call on the help of firms like ITS Global – there’s a value in working with a firm that has a demonstrated competency in supporting entrepreneurs with these vital steps.

At ITS Global, we invest in business growth by effectively implementing talent acquisition programs that allow companies to scale their growth and be a success. Let’s meet to discuss further – coffees on us! You can reach out to us at 416-689-4653 or email Ross Cadastre at [email protected] to schedule a confidential free meeting today.

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