ITS Diversity: A Better Way to Gain A Competitive Advantage

In today’s modern world, we realize that diversity is not just another fad but a better, more resilient means of doing business. 

With globalization at the forefront, diversity in the workplace is more amplified today than ever before. Many companies are operating within diverse marketplaces, and with the help of innovative technologies, we are now reaching individuals from different backgrounds, identities, abilities, skills, perspectives and experiences across the globe.   

A diverse working environment positively impacts employees’ ability to engage and be productive; thus, it directly contributes to many organizations’ success. One such company is Innovative Talent Solutions (ITS), a 360° talent partner focused on enabling startups and high growth companies to build top-performing teams under its two brands – ITS Global and Kontingence Recruitment. The ITS Global team consists of 15 employees under both brands, with a women to men ratio of 8:7. While ensuring companies get the right fit at the right cost, ITS Global has built a reputation for hiring across cultures and ethnicities and has cultivated the right team to sell its services globally. 

Having embraced a diverse workforce that reflects the general makeup of the society surrounding them, the company continues to attract and retain a diverse employee base. With ITS Global’s wide array of in-house talent who speak over 14 languages, including English, Spanish, French, Italian, Hindi, French Creole, Punjabi, Marathi, Filipino, Tagalog, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada, the team understands cross-cultural recruiting and speaks across language barriers. 

According to Canada’s Joint Union/Management Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion, the most successful establishments worldwide acknowledge that diversity in the workplace fosters innovation, increases productivity while creating a respectful and healthy work environment. To truly benefit from a diverse working environment, it is essential to understand the strengths diversity presents and foster growth. 

Here are three opportunities presented when recruiting a diverse workforce: 

  1. Diverse Employee Capabilities 
  1. Extended Market Reach 
  1. Global Reputation 

Diverse Employee Capabilities 

When hiring, it is vital to note that every employee brings a different set of skills to your company and various competencies. Having a homogeneous team may suit your organization’s former goals, but it narrows your skill set with the growing changes in today’s modern marketplace. Contrarily, employees with diverse job experiences and backgrounds offer windows of opportunities for growth and innovation. 

Extended Market Reach 

By incorporating diversity into your workplace, you now have a competitive advantage when addressing emerging markets and building relationships. You can reach potential clients across multiple cultures and backgrounds, breaking through previously existing language barriers. With the ever-changing marketplace, a diverse workforce affords your company the added advantage of accessing an expanded customer base. 

Global Reputation 

Workforce diversity is a fast-growing business trend that plays a crucial role in fostering your company’s excellent global reputation. Not only does it improve your organization’s brand and profitability, but it provides equal opportunities for your employees and company by extension. By implementing a strong recruiting strategy for diversity, you will be respected for your fair employment and ethical practices, while creating a healthy, respectful workplace free from biases.  

Diversity, once embraced, offers a myriad of advantages from which companies like ITS Global have benefited from early on. It presents a broad set of skills that provide a chance to achieve numerous breakthroughs from product and service development, new markets, and approaches giving you a cutting edge over your competitors. 

Let us help! 

If you’re ready to take that next step toward building a diverse workforce, our ITS Global expert team is available to help you with your recruitment needs.

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